
If you really knew me...

i was reading a blog post written by Casey Leigh- she's got some wonderful thoughts, images and beliefs on her blog. the one i am referring to here was titled "if you really knew me." it got me to thinking on that same line...

If you really knew me...

You would know that i love the smell of sheets dried on a clothesline-they smell like sunshine to me.

You would know that i would rather be cold than hot because you can always put on more layers.

If you really knew me, you would know that i struggle with my weight and don't see myself as beautiful. It's a daily struggle for me and i am learning to be happier with the person i am inside and out.

You would know that i often cry in church- sometimes it is because i am overwhelmed by how sinful i am, sometimes it's tears of gratitude that Christ died for my sins, and sometimes it's feeling His presence right there next to me in the sanctuary, knowing that i am never alone.

You would know that new crayons and a coloring book make me happy and the color orange makes me smile.

You would know that i like vanilla more than chocolate, coffee more than tea and quiet more than noise.

If you really knew me, you would know that i am more relaxed in a clean, organized space and that clutter equals chaos to me.

You would know that i am fascinated by this world we live in and want to collect as many stamps in my passport before the Lord calls me home, so I can tell Him how much i enjoyed His creation.

You would know that family and friends are more valuable to me than any material possession, that it is easier for me to give than it is for me to receive and I love so hard and so deep that often times i get hurt.

You would know that, deep down, i really want to be a mom–adoptive or biological, whichever way God would chose to give me a child. I think kids are so amazing.

If you really knew me, you would know that I miss my grandparents and am sad that none of them will get to see me walk down the aisle one day.

You would know that i need quiet creative time alone to recharge my internal batteries.

If you really knew me, you would know that i yearn to find the place God wants me to be in this life, that my ideal job wouldn't be work at all and that i dream big and love even bigger.


  1. Looks like I know you pretty well. :)

  2. I love this Shannon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its awesome!! (:
